Lingual bonded retainer - Debonding the predictable way
Dr. Anadha N. Gujar* & Dr. M. S. Rani
Page No-20-21
To overcome the elastic recoil of the periodontal supporting fibres and to allow remodelling of the
alveolar bone, retention is usually necessary following orthodontic treatment. Fixed retainers are a
reliable form of retention for avoiding relapse and maintaining dental arch shape.1-4 Traditionally,
bonded retainers have been attached to the teeth with composite. Various composites have been
described for use in this technique including both restorative and orthodontic bonding materials.5
With the advent of effective, new bonding materials, many orthodontists prefer to use canine-tocanine
or premolar-to-premolar bonded retainers to obtain optimal retention of lower anterior teeth
both functionally and esthetically.6-8Retention is an important phase of the Orthodontic treatment,
which is under the patient control i.e. usage of the retainers. It is a necessary stage of the successful
long-term management of most orthodontic patients. Precision in fabrication, accuracy during
placement on the teeth, and avoidance of any irritation to the gingiva are necessary requirements for
a lingual fixed retention.9With the advent of acid etching and bonding in Dentistry, fixed lower
lingual retention has become very popular. The limitation of using the traditional lingual bonding
with composites is that, the difficulty in removing the adhesives completely from the tooth surface.
This can be overcome by bonding using TWINKY STAR*
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