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A Case Study of Wetlands in Pakistan with Special Reference to Balloki wetland

Sarah Shakeel[1], MerajAhsanQureshi[2]
Page No. 17-31


This study is mainly focused on investigation of threats responsible for the exploitation of wetlands
adjacent to Balloki barrage and provides suggestions for conservation so that they're safe, wise and
sustainable use could be ensured. The study showed that management and conservation of wetlands
is weak due to lack of awareness both amongst local communities and management authority.
Economic benefits are being drawn from Balloki wetlands by local communities and local
government at the expense of important resources or values. The water quality of some areas of
wetlands is being affected by toxic industrial and municipal wastewater contamination from nearby
Ravi River and also as a result of contamination from agricultural runoff from privately owned
surrounding land. Water contamination is causing disturbance to waterfowl and aquatic life in the
wetlands. Acres of vegetation are harvested annually without paying any regret for ecosystem
needs. Use of pastures or surrounding wetland areas as a food source for domestic livestock
grazing is posing a threat to site vegetation to some extent. Fishing and hunting of waterfowl are a
source of income for local government and local communities. It was suggested to adopt some
proposed conservation measures in order to promote the wise and sustainable use of Balloki
Key words: Agricultural Runoff, Conservation, Fauna, Flora, Management, Water Quality.

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